The Treatment That Could Crush Covid-19

More than 500 clinical trials are testing their products to find an effective treatment for Covid-19. The FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization to Remdevisir produced by Gilead.
Recently another study indicated that Dexamethasone can be used for patients in some circumstances. Convalescent plasma is at times feasible to apply to patients.
While vaccines might take several months before they become available and affordable to everyone, treatments cannot be ready soon enough.
Researchers use “medicinal signaling cells,” (MSC’s), which are located on blood vessels in each person’s body. Recent studies indicate that these cells improve survival significantly, especially the patients in the direst situations.
Moreover, these cells get rid of the virus, modulate the immune response, in particular the cytokine storm, and heal lung tissue. In fact, there is no other treatment that can deliver this outcome in patients.
Healing tissue is highly important because the cytokine reaction to the Covid-19 virus is so powerful that the body damages delicate lung tissue.
As a consequence, the virus spills over into the bloodstream and body cavities. If these perforations are not corrected, the virus causes more complications, including blood clotting, heart attacks, stroke, and multiple organ failure. Besides, this undesirable result leads to 40% of Covid-19-related deaths.
Our amount of MSC’s are high at birth and decrease as we age as well as use them during our lifetimes. Blood-vessel density, plus the number of MSC’s and other factors contribute to the risks for elderly people and their chronic health conditions.
In conclusion, MSC’s offer a potential remedy to the virus. Ultimately further data could illustrate to many people unaware of this field of medicine that we can overcome this illness and other diseases.
Our Editorial Note: We have summarized an editorial that first appeared in the Wall Street Journal. You would need a subscription to read the content in its entirety. Contact us if you would like to learn more about regenerative medicine to treat patients with Covid-19.