Stem Cell Research for Multiple Sclerosis
Clinical trials for patient advance and scientific experiments progress with empirical evidence and findings toward clinical use for patients. Stem Cell Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis has been practiced outside of the USA. It is a treatment becoming available for patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The FDA has not approved this treatment within or outside of the USA.
This disease is a debilitating disease whose cause is unknown. Nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are impacted. This damage disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system. There is a range of symptoms that can suggest that someone has MS. It is most likely a combination of genetic and environmental factors plus a viral infection that trigger MS in an individual.
Until recently the medical community could not indicate any progress for MS. Many patients would be prescribed medications that would calm some symptoms while bringing adverse side effects to patients. There have been many clinical studies in recent years and many more patients are in clinical trials testing stem cell therapy for MS as a future option.
Stem cell therapy has shown, in scientific cases on patients, how the treatment may become a plausible solution to families struggling with this condition. The latest research demonstrates that patients with MS may be helped with using stem cell therapy and/or a combination of treatments and medications.
You will find data here from clinical trials. We invite you to see further details about this treatment from overseas clinics that have already treated patients and show positive results.
Stem cell therapy has been practiced overseas for years and there are positive outcomes for some families dealing with MS. You will find on our website overseas clinics that you may consider to choose as a treatment option. You can schedule an appointment with them via our website.
Please contact us so we may inform you on a clinical trial relevant to your needs. Watch this space as we continue to present scientific findings and medical innovations from this field of medicine. Know that this therapy is not yet approved by the FDA.
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