Newport Beach Stem Cell Treatment Center
The Newport Beach Stem Cell Treatment Center provides advanced care for patients with a wide variety of degenerative disorders using adult stem cell regenerative therapy. Their highly trained physicians and medical team are focused on providing you with the most innovative techniques and sophisticated procedures for harvesting and deploying stem cells from your own fat. They are committed to clinical research and the advancement of regenerative medicine.
Indeed, they are dedicated to the principles of personalized patient care and individualized attention. Their plastic surgeon, a pioneer in liposuction, and topnotch team of registered nurses and technicians are experienced in harvesting and deploying adult stem cells. In addition, this comfortable in-office surgery center is fully accredited by a division of the California Medical Association. Their goal is to provide you with the best possible care in a friendly and professional atmosphere.
Furthermore, fat is the body’s most abundant repository of adult stem cells, containing thousands of times more stem cells than bone marrow. New technologies at the Newport Beach Stem Cell Treatment Center make it possible for us to remove a few ounces of a patients fat through liposuction, separate out the stem cells in a special process that yields extremely high numbers of viable cells, and return them back into the patients body via IV or injection. Performed in a physicians office under sedation and local anesthesia and using a sterile closed system technology (so the cells never come into contact with the environment), there is minimal discomfort and risk of infection. Given the cells come from the patient’s own body, there is no risk of rejection or disease transmission.
Medical Conditions
Moreover, cardiovascular problems encompass all disorders involving the heart and vascular system (arteries, veins, and blood vessels). The most common is coronary artery disease, which affects the arteries and is our leading cause of heart attacks and death. But cardiovascular problems may also involve the cardiac muscle, valves, heart rhythm, and blood vessels throughout the body. Patients are usually treated with medications, and many are funneled into angioplasty, coronary artery bypass, or other surgeries–interventions that, contrary to popular belief, rarely save lives or prevent heart attacks. A safer, gentler approach to preventing, controlling, and improving damage caused by cardiovascular problems is to implement strategies that improve the health of the heart muscle, arteries, and vascular system. These include regular exercise, a heart-healthy diet, targeted nutritional supplements, and promising new regenerative medicine protocols.
Heart failure is a disease of the heart muscle. The weakened heart–damaged by heart attack, chronic hypertension, heart disease, cardiomyopathy, infection, or toxins–is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body’s requirements. In its early stages, heart failure may go unnoticed, as the heart muscle compensates by enlarging and thickening so it can beat faster and more strongly. But like any overworked muscle, it cant keep up indefinitely, and fatigue, shortness of breath, edema (fluid retention), and other symptoms of heart failure become evident. Physicians usually prescribe drugs to reduce the hearts workload, but what patients really need is regenerative medicine protocols that energize and restore the failing heart muscle.
More than 10 million Americans suffer with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), an umbrella term for lung diseases that include emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Typical treatments include steroids, bronchodilators, and antibiotics, but they’re not particularly effective, as COPD is our fourth-leading cause of death. Although there is no known cure for these progressive lung diseases, emerging regenerative medicine therapies hold promise for improving symptoms and retarding lung damage.
Asthma leaves some 26 million people in this country–including almost 10 percent of our children–wheezing and gasping for breath. And those numbers are skyrocketing: Over the last 25 years, asthma incidence has more than doubled. During an asthma attack, the lining of the airways becomes inflamed, the muscles around them constrict, and bronchial tubes get clogged with thick mucus. Conventional treatment involves avoidance of asthma triggers and treatments with corticosteroids and other preventive and “rescue” medications. But regenerative medicine is looking for new approaches to this increasing, potentially life-threatening condition.
Like other types of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is a condition marked by inflammation in the joints. But unlike the more common osteoarthritis, which is caused by wear and tear on the cartilage that cushions the joints, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease. The immune system attacks the joints, resulting in inflammation, irritation, and cartilage damage. Rheumatoid arthritis usually occurs in joints on both sides of the body. Common sites of swelling, pain, and redness include the hands, wrists, and knees, but other joints and organs may be affected. Procedures are aimed at quelling inflammation and halting disease process, but new regenerative medicine treatments are also being explored.
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the brain and central nervous system. This inflammatory condition is marked by damage to the myelin sheaths that cover and protect nerve cells. Affecting twice as many women as men, it is usually diagnosed between the ages of 20 and 40 years. Multiple sclerosis flareups tend to be episodic, often but not always followed by periods of remission. They vary in severity, length, and location, and symptoms may manifest in virtually every area of the body. There is no known cure for multiple sclerosis, and the drugs usually prescribed are riddled with adverse effects. Therefore, researchers are looking for promising alternatives.
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE) is an autoimmune disease. In this and related conditions, the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissues, leading to inflammation, pain, swelling, and tissue destruction. Most patients with lupus experience symptoms in the joints of the hands, fingers, wrists, and knees. However, this disorder also often presents with other symptoms, such as a characteristic rash, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and fever. Lupus is usually treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, but there is no known cure. However, cutting-edge approaches are being studied.
Newport Beach Stem Cell Treatment Center