San Francisco Stem Cell Treatment Center
San Francisco Stem Cell Treatment Center (SFSCTC) is one of the only integrative medicine clinics performing stem cell therapies (both autologous and umbilical cord derived) in the U.S. was founded by Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz.
Using a convergence approach for each patient undergoing stem cell therapy, they try to optimize immune and metabolic function in order to maximize the long-term benefits of each procedure. Completed within 3 hours (usually with little or no down time) stem cell therapies are bringing new hope to patients dealing with previously untreatable conditions.
Stem cell therapies have not yet been fully approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration, however, the right to try has been passed in Texas and continues to spread its availability to other states. You are encouraged to consult with your primary care physician prior to undergoing a stem cell therapy.
Any and all statements and opinions are provided for educational information and are not intended for medical diagnosis. As with all medical treatments and procedures, results may vary on an individual basis.