Boston Stem Cell Center

600 Worcester Rd #301, Framingham, MA 01702



(508) 231-5700


Stem Cell Therapy uses the most potent cells (stem cells) from bone marrow to repair or rebuild injured or degenerated body tissue such as joints, muscles, tendons, or ligaments. This clinic has been in practice since 2008 but just recently updated their website. They hope it is informative and helpful. Feel free to contact them with any suggestions.

Did you know that you could use your own stem cells to relieve your pain and repair your body? With Stem Cell Therapy, you can actually rebuild degenerated body tissue such as joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments its part of a broader, emerging and exciting area of Medicine called Regenerative Medicine.

Indeed, the bone marrow is rich in stem cells, growth factors and cell signaling substances. Stem cells are drawn in a painless way from the pelvic bone and then is injected, along with your concentrated platelet blood product rich in growth factors (Platelet Rich Plasma) into the painful body part, usually using ultrasound guidance for better visualization. Your Platelet Rich Plasma comes from a simple blood draw, which we spin to separate and extract the platelet rich component. Sometimes they inject fat with this mixture as it can activate injected stem cells and create a healthy environment for them to multiply as well as for providing a cushion.

Degeneration often occurs in areas of the body where there is a low blood supply and oxygen level, which do not allow the stem cells to reach the painful area or for cell signaling to take place for healing and regeneration. Regenerative medicine provides the right cells, growth factors and cellular environment to promote healing and regrowth in a body area where blood flow and stem cells could otherwise not reach, especially joints, ligaments, tendons, and even discs.

Although Stem Cell Therapy is considered by some folks to be experimental, various research studies show that regenerative stem cell therapy and platelet rich plasma can provide excellent relief from joint and musculoskeletal pain and ongoing inflammation.

This information is for educational purposes only and is NOT intended to replace the care or advice given by your physician. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider before starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


Boston Stem Cell Center

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