Texas Law on stem cell therapy
The FDA sent a warning letter to Celltex Therapeutics stating that a patient’s own cells are considered drugs, they require approval, and that they were not following procedures. Consequently, Celltex moved their operations to Mexico in order to continue their work to help patients.
Indeed, Texas passed a bill called Charlie’s Law that would allow companies to continue treatments within Texas using mesenchymal stem cells to treat various diseases and conditions. These stem cells come directly from the patients themselves.
Moreover, it seems that the legal challenge between federal law and state law for these medical procedures would resemble the conflict over CBD’s, which have been approved in many states and used by patients for various conditions.
In addition, Celltex’s CEO David Eller indicates they have treated more than 4500 patients by sending their biological treatment to Hospital Galenia in Cancun, Mexico where American patients receive the treatment.
Despite the obstacles for medical practitioners and the patients they seek to serve, the FDA did approve stem cell therapy for arthritis and neuropathy. Besides, there are more than 200 clinical trials that you can find on clinicaltrials.org at this moment. Furthermore, there is research and data from many other clinical trials that prove the safety and efficacy of this therapy.
Ultimately there are many entities that warn about the risks. Unfortunately there are unscrupulous groups that say they offer stem cell therapy and harm the patients with something else that is not stem cell therapy. Our group has already done the research to highlight legitimate stem cell clinics. Moreover, you can see patient testimonials and read their comments. You can see more data on our website and also book an appointment when you are ready to choose this advanced medical treatment.