What We Know About Coronavirus Tests, Treatments, and Vaccines

Among the most respected doctors in America indicate that the country needs to complete 6 million tests a week to get ahead of the coronavirus. Besides, at the moment the current rate is a third of what is necessary.
In fact, we would also need 100,000 people to do contact tracing. We could progress toward more safety after seeing 14 days of declines in cases.
Recently the FDA removed 27 tests from its list of antibody tests that can be promoted in the U.S. Indeed, the FDA rejected the commercial manufacturers without a pending or approved emergency use authorization.
Moreover, health experts think a third of patients who are infected receive a negative test result. They warn that insufficient details are available, and their analysis is from their own direct experience rather than empirical evidence.
In addition to remdesivir as a possible treatment, many doctors are hopeful about the benefits of “convalescent plasma,”. Clinicians apply the colorless liquid from a patient’s blood who has recovered from Covid-19. However, doctors can only use this plasma from one patient to treat 2 more patients at the most.
The FDA endorsed this technique for “emergency use”. Hence this approach would not probably be used after the peak of the pandemic.
Moreover, The Federal Trade Commission and the FDA have sent 90 warning letters to companies that do not have proper authorization to promote products to patients. +120 drug and vaccine research projects are focused on a solution to the coronavirus.
Clinical Trials
Furthermore, 10 possibilities are currently in about 200 clinical trials. Several universities and government research agencies have drafted plans to study hundreds of options.
What is more, the NIH will collaborate with public-private partnership, pharmaceutical companies, the FDA and the European Medicines Authority. They intend to prioritize the candidate vaccines with the most promise for further research. This due diligence will heighten the focus on the best methods.
In summary, there is plenty of scientific research still ahead. Fortunately a handful of research teams have started clinical trials on patients. Nevertheless, any successful candidate vaccine must be tested on thousands of patients in randomized controlled studies to truly indicate safety and efficacy.